Air Force (CJQS): Command Job Qualifications Standard. Automated. Efficient. Effective.


Command Job Qualifications Standard

Airforce Recruiting Management.

Training & Compliance Management.

Recruiter in Training Evaluation System.

We were approached by Alfred Morehouse, who was ending a 21-year career with the United States Air Force. Morehouse was Regional Director, Training/Marketing for the Air Force where he directed a diverse training team that developed, coordinates plan, policies, and procedures for gauging training for a fast-paced recruiting organization covering two states and the entire Pacific Rim (Hawaii, Korea, and Japan), and where he was responsible for the full lifecycle recruitment process. Upon retirement, he intended to work with us to produce a prototype to convey a drastic improvement to the current Command Job Qualifications Standard for Air Force Recruitment.
The Issue.
Air Force recruiting personnel are required to complete and/or master 148 tasks before they are deemed qualified to hold the role of Air Force recruiter. This process requires tasks to be assigned and completed by a specified date in order to qualify as approved. Each task must be completed, approved and verified within 0-4 months, 4-8 months or 8-12 months. The entire process is managed vis-à-vis a paper worksheet. Each task must be scheduled by a Flight Chief or the Trainer superior on behalf of his [direct report] recruiter.
When a task is completed, the Flight Chief or the Senior Trainer needs to be notified by the recruiter that he/she is ready to be approved for that task. The Flight Chief or the Senior Trainer must then apply the date the task was completed to the paper form followed by the recruiter initializing verification of completion. In addition to needing to be completed within a given time period, some tasks may require up to 4 additional completions before being formally marked as approved
Twice per year, an audit is conducted by the Inspector General requiring the IG to, literally, comb through file cabinets of paperwork to verify compliance with all the requirements of the program, often requiring a painful week's worth of the IG's time.
During discovery, it was noted that it is sometimes the case that when a recruiter completes a task, that their supervising Flight Chief and Senior Trainer are not local to be able to physically pen their verification. In cases of critical tasks that are approaching their compliance deadline, this leads to a frantic search for a means to deliver the paper form to a remote location, creating further delays and even putting the physical document at risk. Likewise, the initialization of scheduled tasks suffered from the same circumstance of the Flight Chief and Senior Trainer not being local to physically document the start date of the scheduled task. The final issue that was noted was that the paper form was, obviously, unable to alert Recruiter, Flight Chief and Senior Trainer that a task's compliance date was approaching. The most important inefficiency and deficiency in the existing paper process was that customized, on demand reports could not be generated for recruiter, flight chief, senior trainer and IG to satisfy the needs of an audit or a simple status.
The Solution.
Built and implemented a publicly accessible Website, secured by login authentication:
  • Each recruiter, flight chief, senior trainer and IG was given authentication credentials.
  • A configurable mapping was designed facilitating an approval workflow and communication protocol between recruiter and their assigned flight chief (configurably CC'd to the Senior Trainer).
  • Reports detailing critical, outstanding and completed tasks as well as tasks awaiting verification.
  • When a task was assigned, the recruiter is notified. When a task is completed the Flight Chief is notified. When a verification is made the Flight Chief is notified.
  • An internal messaging system exists to allow for inter-system communication (i.e., not email).
A report suite exists to allow for the generation of customized status reports based on permissions.
Client: US Air Force (Recruiting)
Date: January 3, 2015
Demo: Schedule a Date/Time
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