RECES: Reporting and Evaluation of Clinical Education and Skills. GME Evaluation & Progress Reporting.
GME Evaluation & Progress Reporting

Evaluating medical supervisees by a supervisor.

Inventive Response launched a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of RECES (Reporting and Evaluation of Clinical Education and Skills) for an LA area anesthesia residency program. RECES is currently being used by 80+ residents and 46 attendings/fellows to evaluate residents during their 3 year program. RECES was custom-designed to facilitate the evaluation process by attendings for residents on a daily/case basis as a way to streamline the process and save time. Upwards of 400 cases and evaluations are being logged each day.
  • Adminstration Roles
    RECES: Adminstration Roles
  • Reports: evaluation scores
    RECES: Reports (scores by residents)
  • Reports: scores over time
    RECES: Reports (scores by residents over time)
  • Reports: completed procedures
    RECES: Reports (completed procedures)
  • Reports: supervisor comments
    RECES: Reports (suggestions for improvement)
  • Supervisor notifications
    RECES: Outstanding notifications for supervisors
  • Supervisee notifications
    RECES: Outstanding notifications for supervisees
The Issue
Before RECES, when the anesthesia resident performed in the operating room, they needed to communicate their activity in the operation for the day. The resident did so via email to their attending's administrative assistant who would then document the [un-normalized] data into a spreadsheet. At the end of each month, the spreadsheet was given to the attending for review. The attending was required to not only try and recollect each operation, per resident, that may have occurred nearly a month passed, but they would also have to decipher the manner in which each unique resident was describing their activity. Providing valid and accurate feedback (and approval) was not only difficult, it was very inefficient.
The Solution.
Built and implemented a publicly accessible Website, secured by login authentication:
  • A configurable model was designed facilitating an approval workflow and communication protocol between residents and their attending.
  • A "quick form" was developed to allow each resident to quickly "Add Case Data" as soon as they can access their phone or return to an available desktop computer or tablet and login.
  • When a case is submitted an alert is sent to the attending, notifying him/her that a report is ready for evaluation.
  • The attending can login to the system, view the recently-submitted case and/or all existing, open cases and submit their evaluation back to the resident. Evaluations are based on the following criteria: Technical skills, Cognitive skills, Professionalism/responsibility, Enthusiasm, Communication, Free form overall commentary.
  • Residents are required to "confirm" that they have seen the evaluation.At any point, a set of customized reports can be run by the attending against their assigned residents or by the program supervisor against all residents and attendings. Likewise, residents can run similar reports on their own progress.
  • The platform is simple to use and has a very easy and intuitive interface and it can be modified for just about any type of evaluation criteria for any kind of healthcare facility. The platform tracks cases by location, rotation and procedure and allows the attending to evaluate a resident on a case-by-case basis. Administrators can monitor the process and, more importantly, all collected data can be used to generate a variety of reports that help during the 6 month progress report meeting where it is decided whether a resident is qualified to move forward in the program. The tool also has a reporting feature so attendees and management staff can get up to the minute reporting metrics on any resident in real time. Reports can also be printed or saved as an adobe PDF document. RECES works on all devices from desktops to laptops to smartphones and tablet computers and requires no software installation on these devices as the tool runs in a cloud-based secure environment.
Client: Healthcare
Date: June 10, 2019
Demo: Schedule a Date/Time
Website: Learn More
Training: Download (18mb)
More Information
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